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Me Time Band


A little day of solitude ahead, stacks of magazines by the sofa, small soft peels of clementines on the coffee table. Golden afternoon light curving through the window, the kitchen like a greenhouse, plants glow. Walking across the golf course later, in that great big silky trench coat, the evening sun rings the hills and you watch three different flocks of geese meet in the sky, hear the sound of a thousand wings beating, wave to the flyers as they move on to new places.

The Me Time Band is a clean simple and comfortable 2mm round band to be worn by itself, stacked onto more of itself or with friends! Looks great stacked with the Young Americans Cigar Band for a metal on metal look. 


All solid gold rings are handmade to order and can take 2-3 weeks to ship. Please email if you have any questions.

Handmade in the USA

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