June Hartney Yeager, my Grandmommy June, was the love of SuperFred's life.
June graduated from the Traphagen School of Fashion and was fluent in all arts. She became a successful painter and taught dance lessons as well. She was the daughter of a famous pilot and flying ace, Harold E. Hartney, who served in WWI and later wrote two books, Up and at 'Em and Wings Over France.
When June met Fred, they were at a social dance and Fred had signed up on her dance card to get a chance. They instantly hit it off. The next time Fred saw June, she was in an elevator smoking a cigarette out of a cigarette holder, and in her deep deep voice standing tall at 4'9 proclaimed, "hello Fred." After Fred shook off his goosebumps, the rest was history. They married at Fred's favorite place on Earth, the boy's camp in the NY Catskills. They then reported for duty in the Philippines, Fred as a Lieutenant, June as a nurse.
Together, they traveled and lived all over the world and inspired each other to live the most romantic and exciting life possible, which they most certainly did.